Thursday, July 5, 2012

Hey Baby!
Happy 4th of July!
We have had a busy few weeks. We went to the Louisville Zoo. We go to see the dinosaur exhibit, which scared you to death. You love dinos, but I think you thought they were going to get you. We stayed at the splash park for a few hours. You loved that!! You even went down the little water slides all by yourself! Brave little boy! We bought a little pool on Sunday. My water bug. You say, "I swim, I swim!" You even ask to go outside to the pool.
Fourth of July was yesterday and of course we hung out in the pool. Granny came over to see you. Then we went to Uncle Chris's for his grandpa's 92 birthday. You have a balal there, running around outside. After that we went to see Nana and Papa. Laura Jo and John were in and John is your buddy! You wondered through the house yelling, "John, John!".
 You're getting so big, yet you were playing in your bed with your Mickey Mouse and seemed like a little baby. My sweet little guy. I love you so much.
Yesterday you told me everytime you peed so I would change you. Potty Training is coming soon!! more diapers! I don't want you to grow up but I will be glad to get rid of diapers.
You're at home having guys day with dad today. I'm sure you'll eat junk and hang out in the pool all day.

I love you Baby O! Can't wait for 5 o'clock today.